Divi “Read More” button’s style change


Divi “Read More” button’s style change.

Follow the steps blew to change your blog post read more button style.

1. Add New Row

blog module

2. Then add the Blog Module to the row.

blog module

Update Your Blog Settings as follows:

3. Change Content Options

Posts Number: 6
Read More Button: ON
Show Pagination: NO
Grid Tile Background Color: #ffffff

4. Change Design Options

Layout: Grid
Use Dropshadow: ON
Overlay Icon Color: #fff
Hover Overlay Color: rgba(224,153,0,0.51)
Header Font: Default
Header Font Size: 21px
Header Text Color: #333333
Header Letter Spacing: 1px
Header Line Height: 1.2em
Use Border: YES
Border Color: #f0f0f0
Border Width: 1px
Border Style: Solid

5. Advanced Options

Add This Custom CSS  Code On (Read More Button) Box:
color: #e09900;
display: block;
margin-top: 10px;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
padding: 5px;
text-transform: capitalize;
letter-spacing: 1px;
blog module
The advanced Custom CSS for the read more button creates a custom look that fits the design well.
blog module